By Savyasachee Jha |

Nicolas was born to a young couple, Pál Sárközy and Andrée Mallah in 17th arrondissement of Paris on the 28th of January 1955. Being as it were, a posh area, young Nicolas grew up in wealthy surroundings without any material wants. He had with him two brothers for company, Guillaume, born in 1951, and François, born in 1957. Young Nicolas’ life had every chance of being very pleasant. He was descended from Hungarian nobility from his father’s side and from an intellectual Jewish family from his mother’s side. Neither of his parents were lacking in money. He went to a state school and then was sent to a private school, where he got his baccalauréat. He entered military service, as was befitting a member of the nobility and then passed the bar as a graduate of business and family law. He was one of Silvio Berlusconi’s top French advocates. Now for the fine print.
For those of you who do not know, the reason young Nicolas was even sent to a private school was because he failed his sixième, an exam one gives at the age of 11 to 12. Naturally, he could neither be shifted to another state school nor could he drop a year. He just had to be shifted to a private school. He somehow managed to scrape through secondary school and graduate. For his military service, he joined the air-force as a part-time air-force cleaner. A job befitting nobility anywhere in the world. After graduating, he entered the Institut d’Études Politiques de Paris, better known as Sciences Po, (1979–1981) but failed to graduate due to an insufficient command of the English language. All this time, young Nicolas maintained that his behaviour was due to actions of his father.
Nicolas Sarközy went on to become leader of the Union for a popular movement (UMP). He has served as Minister of the Interior and as Minister of Finance for France under Chirac and Raffarin. He was, before assuming any of these posts, a Minister of Budget under the RPR government, president of the General council of the Hauts-de-Seine department from 2004 to 2007 and mayor of Neuilly-sur-Seine, one of the wealthiest communes of France, from 1983 to 2002.
He is known for being a skilled orator as well as for his charismatic personality. He is also said to be more pro-US and pro-Israeli than most French Politicians.
However, Sarkö is not a “Rockstar” because of any virtue described above. Like a true Frenchman, his image stems from his many, and highly publicised, relationships with women. A description of the life and lusts of Nicolas Sárközy follows.
Sarközy married his first wife, Marie-Dominique Culioli, on 23 September 1982. A charming lady, she was the daughter of a pharmacist from Vico. She met him, fell in love with him and married him while he was a newly-elected councillor to Neuilly. The couple had two sons, Pierre and Jean. They lived happily for two years, a happy, loving family. Unfortunately, the bliss was not to last. Nicolas’ libido was simply waiting to spring up again. And spring up it did, as he presided over the marriage of Cécilia Ciganer-Albéniz and Jacques Martin in his capacity of Mayor of Neuilly.
Marie-Dominique Sarközy knew nothing about the thoughts roving in her husband’s head. She befriended Cécilia and the two women grew very close. They went out to fancy restaurants together with their husbands, raised their children together and did other things a pair of close lady friends would do. She never even suspected the real reason behind Cécilia’s friendship. It took the poor woman until 1988 to realise that her husband and Cécilia were having an affair. The discovery took place in the Alpine resort of Megeve where the two couples had gone skiing. Marie-Dominique knocked on Cécilia’s door and was met with the sound of scuffling feet. When she looked out the window of Cécilia’s room, she found Sarkö’s footsteps in the snow. Poor Sarkö, caught in the act. But give him some credit, Sarkö took it like a man should. He convinced Cécilia to leave her husband and come to him, which she did.

From 1988, Sarkö associated himself with Cécilia, who was lovestruck enough to actually divorce her husband thee months after she left him. The couple stayed together, Marie-Dominique safely out of their lives. The golden years of Cécilia’s life begun here. Apparently, she was enough for Sarkö, for no new reports of affairs stem up from this period in his life. He progressed politically, he was satisfied with his new girl, but for some curious reason, he did not divorce his first wife until 1996, after which he immediately married Cécilia. In 1997, she bore him a baby boy, Louis. His union complete, Sarkö seemed to stabilize, growing in political stature. He went from ministry to ministry, ministry to ministry, finally ending up at the top post itself, that of the president of France.
But as he went up the ladder, Sarkö’s thoughts turned elsewhere. Or rather, back to where they belonged. ‘Cécilia’s getting boring....’ His thoughts turned to his bed and he began scouting for other talented women. With great power comes great responsibility. Oops! Sarkö misread the quote. With great power come many women.
But Sarkö, for all his academic failure was a very cunning guy. When he was a Minister, Cécilia Sarközy had an office next to his, serving as his close adviser. In 2002, she was appointed to the Office of the Ministry of the Interior. In 2005 she was appointed Chief of Staff for the UMP Party. He heaped political offices on her, hoping to keep her busy while he had his fun. He even took out statements claiming Cécilia was his Achilles heel and that they would forever be together and that she was his soulmate and all that talk. However, Sarkö’s cover was blown when it was reported that he was having an affair with a reporter by the name of Anne Fulda in 2005.
Apparently, Cécilia knew about it as well, because there came an article in the Swiss newspaper Le Matin expounding on her affair with Richard Attias head of Publicis in New York. Way to go Cécilia! You beat the man at his own game!
Sarkö threw a tantrum at that. He sued the paper for its “accusations of private nature”. But their bubbles had burst. He knew that he was not interested in her, and she knew that he was not the one for her. She went as far as calling Attias her true love. All this was too much for Sarkö. On 15 October 2007 he divorced Cécilia and began scouting around for another partner. It took him four months to get married again. Carla Bruni must have been as desperate as he was. Or maybe it was the power of the president’s title which attracted her, she’s known to have been attracted to powerful men.
His marriage to Carla Bruni was the main highlight of his first term in office. Of course, protests and roadblocks are quite common in the land of the French Revolution, so the blockade of the country (twice) doesn’t really count. A President who divorces his wife in office and has a four month whirlwind romance before marrying an Italian pop-star of international fame? Yeah! That’s what we French want!
But Carla Bruni’s supposed to be a tigress herself. With 9 affairs under her (ahem!) belt, she was not one to be satisfied with monogamy. What is Sarkö compared to Mick Jagger and Eric Clapton? Yeah, everyone knows the answer. It seems she’s already set the rules for their marriage. Both parties are currently reported to be engaged in extramarital affairs, according to some allegations on Twitter.
At this point, we must return to one part of the story we have deliberately overlooked. No, not the reactions of his ex-wives, we can guess those. Remember Sarkö had a father, with whom his relationship while growing up is central to who he is today? Well, in 1959, Pál Sárközy left his wife and remarried three times. He had two more children, Nicolas’ half brothers. He refused to give any financial help to his ex-wife and children, nor did he even visit Nicolas frequently. “What made me who I am now is the sum of all the humiliations suffered during childhood.” Says Sarkö, who felt inferior to his classmates blessed with kind fathers. Yeah, poor Sarkö. We can feel your pain.