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Standing Still

By Revanth Chaudhary

Standing still , looking above , the sky stares back,
Stars they flicker through light, it amazes thy eyes,
Its a sad thing though , they might allready be dead.

Standing still , looking at the river flow , it continues undisturbed,
My reflection , in the water , not moving , moon and sun’s courtesy,
Its a sad thing , the ripples created ,source unknown, will erase them.

Standing still , looking at the earth , still gaze offered my eyes,
My footprints, embedded in the soil , beautiful pattern ,
Its a sad thing , the winds of change , will erase them to nothingness.

Standing still , looking at the fire , it flares back naturally,
Burns my skin , something beneath it , pain is a metaphor ,
Its a sad thing , the ashes of time , will burn it out , due course.

Standing Still , just waiting , time it calls in its voice,
Wrinkles they grow , marks of age and wear , same end point ,
Its a sad Thing , everything tangible and intangible , is temporary.

Standing Still , looking inside , true story in the diary,
begins - pain , agony , frustration , denial and slowly..
acceptance and the theme for this story ,
smile , you know the reason for the temporary , a journey.


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