Always wanted to make a difference but never knew how? Learn from the young men and women at The Guardian Circle’s Amity Team (Delhi Chapter) who recently organised an interactive session at the Gurukul school in Delhi.
TGC’s Amity Delhi Chapter recently organised an event at the Gurukul School in Delhi on the 6th of August. Gurukul School is run by Arya Samaj Mandir Trust. It is a boarding school and orphanage. There are more than a hundred students across all age groups in Gurukul. 26 members from TGC Amity were present on Saturday, the 6th of August, at the school. The objective of the event was to build a long term relationship with this school so that they can arrange workshops for these students on a regular basis. When asked as to why that particular school was chosen, the TCG Amity Team Head Vineet Singh said “Even though Gurukul is putting its best efforts to provide them with best possible ways to gain knowledge, these students in future may face difficulty in surviving the competitive world. Our aim is to lessen the gap between the regular students and the orphanage students so that they can support themselves and live a good live and return back the society.”
As part of the event the TGC members pooled in their own money and sponsored lunch for about 110 students. They followed it up by having an educative and interactive session with the kids. They organised a “Pick A Chit” session for the kids above 13 where questions on general awareness were asked. The younger ones were invited for singing,dancing, poem or Sanskrit shlok recitation etc. “It was fantastic. Everyone enjoyed that session. We were fully into it and the spirit was mindblowing. Students were shy at first but after some time they gave an excellent response.” said Vineet.

Their effort has received a very positive response from Mr. Ashok Gulati, the President of Gurukul and they plan to follow it up by organizing workshops on a variety of topics such as communication skills, personality development, etiquette classes etc. While the event was a success, Vineet admits being nervous beforehand. “All the members were in doubt that will we be able to organise this event or not? Most of them were taking it as a casual group. But when we ended this event as a success,everyone was speechless. It was truly a great satisfaction to be initiating something for a noble cause and we’ll continue this work. It’s an achievement for me.”
About The Guardian Circle
The Guardian Circle is an initiative taken by students to help give back to society. It is an NGO which fully understands the importance of education. However, they are also aware that somechildren cannot afford it. TGC strives to fund such financially handicapped children so that they too can have the opportunities rendered unaffordable by their financial state of affairs.
The Amity Team itself has 108 members and the Delhi Chapter is now present in 7 major colleges in Delhi namely Amity University, Jaypee Institute Of Information Technology - Noida, MSIT, CBS, Delhi School Of Biotechnology, NSIT and IIT-Delhi.
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