This post took shape in my head around the time when
Anna was the latest craze. On a totally different note, what happened to him?
Or the Lok Pal bill? Don’t you just love how Indians seem to forget events like
that so fast? (Yeah, I’m part of them, move past that). But enough about the
really serious, caring about the world crap. Time to get back to the hate rant.
It became popular thanks to men like Mandela, Gandhi
and thousands of others. It’s probably why we’re free as well. Yes, I’m talking
about freedom of expression. And on some primal level, I respect that. The
problem with the right to free speech is the part where people forget their
boundaries. And I don’t just mean you and me. I’m talking about famous people,
of whom others just can’t get enough. Well, thanks to that lovely right to
expression, I’ve taken it upon myself to point out just a few of them, and
what I’d love to say to said person assuming if we were to ever meet. Unloading
a clip of bullets into them would prove my point much better, but I’m trying to
be civil, despite all my cave-man inclinations, and use words instead.
Ekta Kapoor - One saas-bahu serial was
fine, two on the air was tolerable, three was like having nails driven through
you. Considering the number of TV serials she’s made and the number of years
they’ve lasted, I’m surprised members of some desi TV loving spinoff of the
Al-Qaida hasn’t tried to assassinate her yet.

Obviously, being an actual engineering student, I can’t stand you. FYI: Not
everyone who has pegs of neat vodka before exams screw them up. Sometimes those
papers just turn out to be awesome. (I’ve a friend who says so) Your latest
book is on sale for 20 bucks a copy (or so I’ve been told. It’s against
whatever few morals I have left to go and actually find out for myself) Toilet
paper is now more expensive. Take a hint and stop writing. (pretty please with
a cherry on top?)
Kim Karda (something that I
just can’t spell) – ok, it seems I’ve made
a mistake by including her here. She’s part of my “Celebrities I adore and wish
to meet and and do nasty things to” list. She’s just freaking awesome.
Stephanie Meyer - the thing about miracles is that they don’t come by in quick succession. You should’ve waited a few more decades until Harry Potter ended before printing that Twilight crap. Sparkly vampires? Seriously? Go watch Dracula or Blade for acceptable descriptions.
Stephanie Meyer - the thing about miracles is that they don’t come by in quick succession. You should’ve waited a few more decades until Harry Potter ended before printing that Twilight crap. Sparkly vampires? Seriously? Go watch Dracula or Blade for acceptable descriptions.

Rakhi Sawant- Here’s what people
normally need, to succeed. Dedication. Brains. Hard work. Good Looks (not
essential, but apparently helps. Again, what would I know, I’m a wannabe
engineer FFS, not a model! *insert appropriate smiley here*). It doesn’t hurt
to know English either. Now let’s run through the list. It’s obvious the last
one doesn’t apply to you. This makes your paragraph a little disappointing
since you probably can’t even read this. I’m not too sure about your Hindi
either. As for hard work and brains. You do find Baba Ramdev hot. The only
thing you seem dedicated towards is trying to make the average sex hungry
Indian (most people in my college) notice that you exist. Well, I guess you got
that much at least. How’s that working out for you? I’m trying desperately to
come up with a joke trashing Rakhi Ki Swayamvar , though I’m not able to put my
finger on it. Advice anybody? How about Rakhi ka Insaf? I’m thinking something
along the lines of, “how can SHE give advice to married couples?” though it
just doesn’t show how much I can’t stand her.
And now we’re back to that awkward part where I have no
idea what else to say. Seeing as I’m done insulting most of the people I want
to, I guess it’s time to end it with some well meaning, clichéd bullshit.
*insert well meaning, clichéd bullshit here*
Disclaimer - The above article does not reflect the
views of the author. He was forced to write it at gun-point, by people who
shall not be named. He would probably say pretty similar stuff though. After
all, he really is a wannabe engineer. But feel free to share the post. The
author is sure that the one who shall not be named would love it if others read