By Rachina Ahuja
Oh school days! How many of us would want to go back in time to be in
school again? How many of you are raising your hands like good little children
at that question? We all have a love-hate relationship with school but now that
we’re older, it’s mostly love. It’s a love borne of a longing for simpler days
when things were black and white, people were good and bad, heartache was
unknown, and worries extended only to completing homework at the worst.
In honor of those days, lets take a trip down memory lane and revisit
our complicated relationship with that infamous institution: School.
Ten things we love to hate about school-
The teacher’s deplorable english. When he is telling the bwoys to istand
up and explain him what is on the blackboard, we roll our eyes but when
are caught snickering and are angrily enquired of what we’re loafing at, we
obediently ‘shet’ up.
The school food. It’s too spicy and too oily but when we leave
school and come back for a visit, that’s the first thing we go for, raving
about how good it is and how many memories it brings back.

The ranks and grading system. People who care about that kind of thing
are lame, especially the ones who always get good marks. Wait, what? I got the
highest marks in Math?! Sweet! Uh, no big deal.
Sports day practice. I know I tried everything to get out of
‘Marchpast’, but getting kicked out wasn’t cool! Outwitting the prefects was
the goal and the feeling of smug satisfaction as well as not having to spend
the day marching in the hot sun the reward.
The house system. Curiously named houses as well as not enough spaces in
the red and blue houses formed the ultimate problem. Because who wants to be in
the yellow house, anyway? That’s like Hufflepuff! Ew.
SUPW- What the hell was this anyway? Socially useful and productive
work, I know that, but seriously, what WAS it? We’re just being graded on some
mysterious basis here. But hey, free period!
Physical Education- No, don’t make us run in the hot sun and play games
we don’t want to in weird, colorful uniforms! What? IIt’s either that or
another hour of Math? I’ll go change.
The opposite sex. Who wasn’t the target of a dozen tweens chanting the
name of some hapless girl/boy you supposedly ‘love’? The gossip on the
possible/existing connections between any combination of two people in class
provided 94% of the spice in school life. In a girls’ school, much worse: the
dance teacher or the principal’s son. If neither was attractive, then one must
rely on girls with brothers/cousins.
10. Going to school! But
one day of faking sick and you start chafing, wondering what your friends are
up to. By the end of the day, you’re bored out of your mind, and not very comforted
upon receiving the intelligence that “Sir taught about trigonometry today.”
Bwoys and gerlls, think of ischool today and remember how you had to
kneel down that one time for talking too much in class and that other time you
bunked and went to watch that Shah Rukh Khan movie and that eggjam you flunked
but then went to ma’am to ask for marks and then passed....