Iti Mrinalini (Yours Mrinalini) ~ An Unfinished Letter
By Amrita Paul
…. But I feel that by doing my own thing the way I believe, and not abiding every
single rule that is laid down, I am holding myself up as an example. I don’t
presume that I am but I don’t see what else I can do.” – Aparna Sen, Director
Iti Mrinalini.

The movie begins with an older Mrinalini writing a
letter rather a suicide note about how she intends on ending her life without blaming
anyone for her grievances. The movie is about how she spends that night
contemplating and reminiscing about days long gone by. Letters, calendars,
posters, pictures all come to life as Mrinalini looks back into her past
remembering the good moments and the bad. And then finally dawn arrives whilst
Mrinalini remembers her friend Chintan’s words, -“Sometimes you just have to
let go and take life as it comes.” She
wipes her tears and takes her German shepherd for a walk as an effort to think
afresh and start anew.
And that is the story of Iti Mrinalini. Of love,
youthful, domestic, growing from friendship or resulting from loneliness and
seclusion. It is the story of the random incidents and unbelievable occurrences
which makes life what it is. More than anything else it is realistic shedding
light on the fact that Life can’t be controlled, it is like a river or the
lines of a poem which flow at their own pace into creating something effortlessly
beautiful. I thoroughly enjoyed the movie and the credit goes to Aparna Sen and
her team for making a movie like this. The last voice over in the movie finally
summarizes on what the movie is all about.
and by-lanes trip my heels,
households! Whose are these?
a profound comedy of life and death
the essence of tears and mirth.”