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Simplicity Of Happiness

It's okay if you like Justin Bieber and not Pink Floyd. Listen to what you like.

It's okay if you like Jersey Shore but hate Game of Thrones. Watch what you like.

It's okay if your girlfriend isn't skinny or beautiful, so long as she makes you happy. Be with who you like.

It's okay if you've read all the Harry Potter books but aren't fond of Michael Crichton or Ayn Rand. Read what you like.

It's okay if you prefer shorts and t-shirts over shirts and jeans. Wear what you like.

It's okay if you know nothing about current affairs and everything about Marvel comics. Know what you like.

It's okay if you prefer a plain coke or juice over rum and whiskey. Drink what you like.

It's okay if your status update is dull and mundane instead of witty and interesting. Say what you like.

It's okay if you prefer movies over books, cartoons over Mad Men or 9gag over classic literature. Know what you like.

It's okay to have pipe dreams, fantasies and improbable desires. Follow what you like.

It's okay to be different, even if it comes at the cost of getting ostracized. Be who you like.

Life is short. Life is simple. Your preferences are your own, regardless of who's judging and labeling you. Hide behind a mask of fake interests if you want to fit in. Openly embrace what you love to find people who fit in with you. Be yourself as often as you want and you will always be happy.

Don't let someone else decide who you are. Do that for yourself. Do everything for yourself. Let people love you and love freely. Do what you like.

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Abhay Gupta
What about me? Well, I don't know really. I could be brooding and nihilistic or bouncing off walls like flubber on crack. I categorize and analyze everything because I get bored easy. I'm a tv buff, movie buff, comic fanatic, atheist and meme-literate.  And finally, cheesecake.


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